Benton- Ladder of Feedback from Courtney Humphreys on Vimeo.
Ladder of Feedback Reflection from Courtney Humphreys on Vimeo.
We used the Ladder of Feedback thinking routine on Friday as one student presented his narrative writing submission on WPP on the Smartboard. As we approach the WrAP test, I think the best way for my students to understand what strong writing looks like is to see each other's work and critique it. The student read his story aloud, and we then moved through the steps of the Ladder of Feedback: clarifying with questions, valuing the work, sharing concerns, and then providing suggestions. As we have used the routine more throughout the year, my students are becoming more comfortable with it. As you can see in the video, the steps in the routine sometimes get blurred together, but I do feel that they know what it means to ask clarifying questions versus valuing the work, etc. What excited me most as I watched this video after class was to see them making connections betweent their own writing and other students'. One student stated, "You're having the same problem I am...". I like that they are not afraid to admit their weaknesses in writing, and then look to each other for support and guidance. They have become more reliant on peer editing and feedback, and this routine adds an even deeper level of peer feedback to their writing.
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